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If you didn't get monthly payments for medical insurance, you are free to submit a request and start insurance refund called Zorgtoeslag for 2021/22. The amount of refund depends on your salary and working period.

Can I get a refund for the Dutch medical insurance?

weeks required to receive the insurance refund
> 8
1 September
refusal of refund requests for the previous year.

Don't miss out!

the maximum amount of refund per month for 2022
€ 111
To refunds taxes or ask for tax help — just start with online registration

You get safe online tax account with chat, pre-filled tax forms and tracking.
1. Get Started
Let's do this
Our tax agent will answer all your questions. Makes a calculation, completes the tax forms and tax returns, etc.
Our tax agent takes care of your taxes.
2. That's it.
Well, that's it, you've got your refunds, we've got our %.
You can also get started by using whatsapp, viber or skype.
Just call or text us — we help you to register on our website and answer all your questions.
Just pay a flat fee.
The price of the service (full package of one tax year)
Refund of medical insurance in the Netherlands
Refund of medical insurance in the Netherlands
All the prices and fees offered on the website include the VAT


Free calculation
Tax agent estimates your tax refund and explains the reasons of overpayment.
Free advice
Our tax agent answers all your questions, at the very start.
Completing tax forms
We prepare, complete and submit your tax forms.
Communication with the tax office
We call or write to the tax office - all about your case.
About medical insurance in NL and forms.

Quick facts
Very good service lam very happy.
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Taxes from: the Netherlands